Welcome to Unity Umrah

Embark on your journey towards deen, brotherhood and excellence with a trip like no other...


(IATA Certified)

Why Choose Us

We provide more than just an 'Umrah trip', rather it's a journey towards deen and brotherhood that begins months before the trip commences and continues long after we return.

​Through live events, webinars, and casual meetups before the trip, we ensure a pre-built brotherhood rather than a meeting of strangers for the first time.



Helping You Achieve Your Goals.


Our sole mission is to bring brothers closer to the deen with Islamic reminders, halaqas and lessons all through the spirit of Umrah.


At Unity Umrah, we want to help you achieve your financial goals by hosting a platform where brothers can promote their businesses and take that first step to financial freedom, while also staying close to their deen.

The body is an ammanah from Allah (SWT), so we have specific fitness programs like callisthenics etc, to help you achieve your fitness goals.


Our Why


Our community of like-minded brothers at Unity Umrah is one of the fastest ways of achieving your goals. Whether it's spiritually, physically or financially.


Our primary mission is to bring fellow brothers closer to their deen through Halaqas and Islamic lessons before, during and after Umrah trips.

Perception of Muslims

Due to the common negative perception of Muslims in the West, we want to change that through the message of Unity Umrah.

Join many brothers who have taken that simple step towards strengthening their deen and forging true brotherhood all while...

​Enjoying all the incredible perks we have to offer.

​We take care of everything. All you have to do is book

All you have to do is book your place.

Return Flights From Dublin (Qatar Airways)

5 Star Hotels (Breakfast Included)

VIP Coach

1-Year Multiple Entry Visa

Umrah Training

Tour of Islamic Landmarks (Ziyarat)

Halaqas and Lessons

Entrepreneurial Workshops

Go Karting

Unity Umrah Olympics


Horse Back Riding

Dublin ---> Jeddah ---> Makkah ---> Madinah ---> Dublin

Our Next Trip Includes...


Here are some amazing free perks you can enjoy the second you enrol on our trip.


A MacBook with lines of code on its screen on a busy desk
A MacBook with lines of code on its screen on a busy desk

1. Onboarding Call

Onboarding call to get to know you and your goals; we'll strive to help you achieve them. Whether it's deen, business or fitness.

a white and black phone with a green whatsapp sticker on it
a white and black phone with a green whatsapp sticker on it

2. Group Chat

Get added to the Unity Umrah group chat of like-minded goal-driven brothers striving to improve daily in every aspect.

person standing near the stairs
person standing near the stairs
man holding smartphone standing in front of calm body of water
man holding smartphone standing in front of calm body of water
silver fork on fire during night time
silver fork on fire during night time
man playing soccer game on field
man playing soccer game on field

3. Exclusive Access

4. 1-1 Check-Up

5. Pre-Trip Meetups

6. Post-Trip Meetups

Regular calls where we guide you towards hitting your goals, and assist with the resources you need.

Get access to an array of organisations and individuals to assist you in reaching your goals.

Now that you've established a life-long brotherhood, regular meetups will be held after the trip so brothers can continue to get together.

Monthly meetups before the trip to get to know the brothers who'll be travelling with you, and also give you an opportunity to warm up for the trip.


Frequently asked questions

Do you guys offer non-flight packages?

Yes, this will also make your package cheaper.

How will we commute throughout the trip?

Through our 5-star private coach.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, once the fee is fully paid before the trip commences.

What materials are provided on the trip?

Ihram, Umrah handbook guide.

Who are you guys flying with?

We will always be flying with Qatar Airways or Turkish Airlines.

Can we bring luggage with us?

Yes, each person will have an allocated weight allowance on the trip.

Is travel insurance included?

Yes travel insurance is included in trip package.

Do you guys sort out the travel visas?

Yes and visas last for one year from the time of purchase.

Will the hotels be near the Ka'ba?

Yes and they'll be within walking distance.

Have you guys done the Umrah set-up?

Yes, we have.

Are you guys IATA certified?


How often do you guys host events?

We host monthly meetups before and after the trip.

Can I refund my ticket?

Yes, once we have a confirmed replacement to go on the trip.

What fun activities will be included in the trip?

Go-Karting, Archery and... more.

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